Rooms | Full Time | Affordability Grant | Part Time (3 Days) | Affordability Grant | Part Time (2 Days) | Affordability Grant |
Little Lives (0 to 12 months) | $1575 | $883 | $960 | $317.50 | $790 | $317.50 |
Little Lives (12 to 19 months) | $1525 | $883 | $925 | $317.50 | $755 | $317.50 |
Toddler Town | $1385 | $709 | $845 | $318 | $695 | $318 |
Learning Kiddos (3 to 4 years) | $1315 | $626 | $825 | $225 | $650 | $225 |
Sunshine Room (4 - 5 years) | $1025 | $626 | $825 | $225 | $650 | $225 |
Kinders | $1025 | $626 | $815 | $225 | $650 | $225 |
we promised you that, we always try to take care of your childdren. Early child care is a very important and often overlooked compaonent of child development
4929 44 St, Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1H3
Mon To Fri : 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sat - Sun : Off